Salisbury's Log Houses

Log house residence that was located on the Newman farm a few miles south of Salisbury, Pa.

Log home which stood opposite the
Samuel Horchler residence on the St. Paul Road.

Charles Butler home was built in Elk Lick Township, south of Salisbury, in the early 1800's.  Currently owned by Fred Showalter.

Salisbury's oldest Inn: Survey dates the log portion of this building at 1820. This is the home where Mathias Markley, son of pioneer John Markley lived after his retirement.

Dr. McKinley house on Union Street, west of John Street. This building was torn down 1990-91.

Salisbury architecture includes: Great Queen Anne, Federal and Second Empire, Italianate and Victorian.

                             ITALIANATE 1840-1885
                             In 1842, American landscape architect Andrew Jackson Downing
                             published a pattern book for building houses entitled Cottage
                             Residences which offered full-facade drawings of several new fashions
                             as alternatives to the Greek Revival style. The most popular of these
                             designs became the Italianate based on Northern Italian villas and
                             farmhouses. The Italianate style house is usually 2-3 stories high with a
                             low-pitched roof and overhanging eaves. The windows are tall and
                             narrow, sometimes curved at the top and decorated with elaborate
                             crowns. Some other Italianate features: entry or full-width porches with
                             beveled roof support columns; paired entrance doors, often matching
                             the design of the windows; wide cornices below the roofs, usually
                             featuring elaborate wooden brackets; bold window frames, sometimes
                             arranged in pairs or multiples. The Italianate style continued strong in
                             America until the depression following the financial panic of 1873,
                             when most new house construction came to a stop. When construction
                             resumed, new styles were coming into vogue.

                            SECOND EMPIRE 1855-1885
                            The Second Empire style reflects the design adopted by Austrian
                            engineer Baron Georges Eugene Haussmann for the rebuilding of Paris
                            during the reign of Napoleon III (1852-70). The Paris Expositions of
                            1855 and 1867 helped to popularize the style with visiting architects
                            from England and America. The new mansard roof (named for the 17th
                            century French architect Francois Mansart) was considered an important
                            advance because it provided a full upper story of usable space. At the
                            top and bottom of the steeply sloping roof usually are matching
                            cornices to tie the roof area together visually. Dormer windows with
                            decorative framing punctuate the roof. Some Second Empire houses also
                            have one-story porches and bay windows, and may have arched
                            windows and paired doors similar to the Italianate style. The most
                            prominent public building built in the Second Empire style is the former
                            War Department building in Washington, D.C., now the Old Executive
                            Office Building.

                           QUEEN ANNE 1870-1910
                            To a large extent, the sudden appearance and popularity of the Queen
                            Anne style was a result of railroads and the new industrial age which
                            made it possible to ship pre-cut spindlework porch railings, porch
                            support brackets and other architectural details to builders in small
                            towns across America. The style was popularized in England by a 19th
                            century architect named Richard Norman Shaw who revived the use of
                            half-timbered and patterned masonry building styles from the late
                            Medieval period and named the new fashion for Queen Anne (who
                            reigned from 1702 to 1714). American adaptations were spread rapidly
                            by the country's first architectural magazine, The American Architect and
                            Building News, which encouraged the use of spindlework decoration.
                            The main characteristic of the Queen Anne style is in the building shape,
                            which is usually not square and has a high steep roof of irregular shape,
                            often with one dominant gable facing the front of the structure. The style
                            also uses wall surfaces as primary decorative elements, often employing
                            patterned shingles. Another Queen Anne characteristic is an
                            asymmetrical one-story porch that extends along one or both side walls.
                            The variations in Queen Anne style are many, and its popularity
                            continued until the turn of the century, often in large mansions built for
                            prosperous financiers and industrialists the architectural Gilded Age.

Greek Revival - These are most typical in the South. They have pillars or columns on the front which usually
hold up a balcony on the second floor. The front has some typed of porch or portico that is enclosed in pillars or
columns. they tend to be somewhat symmetrical. The white ones look very much like ancient Greek temples with
pillars all the way across the front, especially if they have a gently sloped roof.

Gothic - This style comes from medieval English castles, and was considered to be the proper style for churches
and other public buildings. Some of the characteristics are pointed arched windows, gables, trefoils (three-pronged
shapes), rich tracery-intricate designs, gingerbread trim, very ornate intricately designed and detailed trim that
sometimes is almost overdone and bordering on ugly. If the trim was gone, the house would be very plain with  simple angles.
A lot of old farm houses were done in the style.   Also in this style are the stereotypical white country chapels.

Italiante - The earlier houses in this style were the more villa like houses which were detached or semi-detached
urban residences with yard and garden space, soaring off-center towers, loggia porch-like areas walled in by arches.
Later on, boxier, simpler profiles became more common. Both have an asymmetrical arrangement of windows and doors,
low-pitched roofs, round openings, deep bracketed eaves, with or without mansard roofs
(roofs that curve or angle sharply up to a flat top), and with bricks, stucco, or wood siding.

French - this style is usually a tall, narrow house. They have symmetrical proportions, with or without a mansard
roof, a two or three story tower in front. This is mostly an urban design which is good for lots that are narrow and have
limited space and light. this style is a painter's nightmare with all of the elaborate window framing, paneled frieze
boards under a bracketed cornice (paneled trim under a bracketed roof), roof trim, gingerbread, and are very ornate and

Stick Style - This is usually associated with summer homes, but there are some regular houses with this style.
They are a rambling, asymmetrical concoction of large verandahs, projecting towers, and bay windows. They have
exaggerated structural detailing, and are very individualistic and you see a little bit of everything. The are designed to
relate to the outdoors and are informal and have a peaceful, tranquil, homey persona.

Queen Anne - This style has some Gothic design in it but is more extravagant than Gothic. They have off-center
turrets and towers, both shingling and clapboarding on the sides, a mixture of carved and relief decoration, and wrap
around porches. Many people who don't know that there are many different Victorian styles, think of only this type of
house to be the classic Victorian design.

Renaissance Revival - This is a nearly seamless box of a townhouse, usually made of brick or stone and
kind of drab. this type doesn't have much trim and was probably only popular because only the rich could afford to
build a house like this. They tended to be in sophisticated cities where the rich people would live.

Colonial - These are very symmetrical and the doors and windows are equally spaced. They have a flat, boxy
profile and have various assortments of lunettes (semi-circle shaped windows), porticos which are smaller than those
typical of Greek, but are still fairly good sized, summer porches that might be screened in, porte-cocheres (an open
garage with no walls to keep people dry when getting in and out of their carriages), double-sash windows with
shutters, and narrow clapboard siding. This style is really common in the New England and Mid-Atlantic areas of the

Eclectic - This is the most common type of Victorian house. This style combines many elements of all the different
styles. Most houses have one style that is predominant with different styles mixed in. Builders liked to blend styles
seeking originality and harmony. The Victorians recognized that a building had to be both serve a function and be
pleasing to the eye at the same time.

Views of Salisbury

Street Scenes of Salisbury--Page One
Street Scenes of Salisbury--Page Two
Street Scenes of Salisbury--Page Three Salisbury Homes : Photo's of the homes of Salisbury. 
Aerial View of Salisbury
The history of the Keagey House
The Johnson House
Overviews of Salisbury -- Page One
Overviews of Salisbury -- Page Two
Overviews of Salisbury -- Page Three
The Salisbury Union Cemetery


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